I believe there are five positive factors that individuals can gain by using social media. First, is it easy to keep in contact with someone. Second, using social media allows instant reactions and messages within seconds; this allows quick communication and information to be spread faster. The third benefit social media provides is making connections that you would not be able to make connections with. Making these connections can help provide future job opportunities, internships, and even scholarships. The fourth benefit of social media is something I was taught in MCOM 241... which is branding yourself. By branding yourself on social media, you can instantly share what you are good at and what you are interested in. The fifth benefit is being able to access information quickly.
Along with the different pros of social media, there are also cons. The first con having social media is that if you post something that is inappropriate or when you are upset, it can cause controversy and give you a bad reputation online. Second is the issue of cyber-bullying; this can be an issue from kids posting mean comments on an Instagram picture to someone making death threats over messenger. The third issue with social media is that when it is over-used, it can be a distractions... especially for students who might put off studying or homework because they are busy scrolling through different news-feeds or chatting on various forms of social media. The next issue I believe social media can cause is for individuals to feel insecure about themselves. I have witnessed young girls comparing themselves to celebrities and size 0 models due to the large access to these famous individuals' social media accounts. Some articles and studies I read talk about how social media has impacted eating and body image disorders. The fifth issue I see that social media causes is the need for "more, more, more". This can simply be explained in the overused phrase "keeping up with the Jones's". Social media can allow people to brag about the newest shoes they just purchased or a new video game. This impacts other people because it makes them want these items as well.
Personally, I think it is important to understand not only the positive factors social media has on my life... but also the negative factors as well. Here are a few links that give relative information about some of the different pros and cons I previously discussed and even some brand new ideas!
Article Topics with Links:
Pros/Cons Social Media
Students and Social Media
Social Media and Eating Disorders
Hope you enjoyed my blog and the various reads! :)
Words from
Chesney Jo