Friday, August 5, 2016

Politics & Media

The use of Social Media in campaigns is a necessary campaign strategy in 2016. We use social media so much in our day to lives and it has become such a huge part of everything you do that there is no way around it. Using social media is a great way to display your platforms and it's an easy accessible way to reach all types of people.  Social media has not only taken over our day to day lives as citizens, but it has become a necessary for presidential nominees. 

Both candidates have used social media in different ways. Hillary Clinton has posed with a bunch of celebrities. I think it's her way of trying to be relatable with everyone. If somebody likes a
celebrity and that celebrity poses with Hilary, or endorses her, then that might make somebody like Hillary. 

Trump has used social media to say provocative things and cause the media to stay focused. I think that is one of Trumps campaign strategies is to start controversy. He will engage in Twitter wars which in return causes media coverage and people talking about him. Not usually for good reasons but it does cause attention. I don't know if that is his intention or if that is why he does that but it does cause a lot of coverage. It works to get his name out but I'm not sure it works for his general approval of the public. 

Social media is a crucial way to get your message across to voters. Especially young people who might not tune into the news. A candidate must have a presence on social media if they want to be successful. How it will effect this election is still to be determined.

Here is an article about how Trump has become known as the king of social media:!

This article predicts what has become of Trump's success in the 2016 presidential election:

Words from Chesney Jo

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Benefits of Social Media and Live Stream

Social media has done an incredible job of connecting us people. 
These same technologies have
connected businesses to people. With a few simple taps on a touch screen you can be presented with tons of information about a business, product, or service that you want. The Internet basically allows us to have the world at our finger tips.

Growing up in a small town in South Dakota the nearest mall was almost 3 hours away. I didn't have direct, easy access to what the newest styles and trends were in the stores. Luckily I grew up in the age of the Internet where I could keep up on trends by online shopping. I had access to a lot of information through the Internet and it kept a small town South Dakota girl connected to what the newest trends were in stores. I wasn't in the mall shopping, looking at the newest products. I was staying connected in my small town through the Internet. 

Live video connects us more than just being able to see a product. We are watching people in real time doing whatever they are doing. If they are selling a mop, people can see how well that mop cleans up a floor. If they are selling a lip gloss, people can see how easily it applies to the person lips. Live video gives the consumer a sense of assurance that the product they are going to buy will be worth the money they spend.

Live video also works for both parties involved. The consumer and the manufacturer. It allows instant feedback. For example if a color of a new lipstick isn't what the market is calling for at that time a company will know immediately by the comments being posted. 

This is one of the very fortunate things things growing up as a millennial.  Without these different technologies, I would not have been able to keep up to date.  Live video also provides a chance for businesses to promote themselves and reach out to a widespread of customers.

Here is a another article that discusses more about live streaming I found very informing!

Words by Chesney Jo

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Brands & Social Media Marketing

Brands have been used to advertise and promote a specific type of product or company since the ages of traditional marketing.  The idea of having a brand does not only apply to traditional marketing, but also applies to non-traditional marketing.  I specifically am going to discuss how brands play an impact in social media marketing.  Brands use timeliness and relevance in social media marketing.  Due to the quick communication process social media allows, it is easy to brand an idea or product; it allows individuals to interact within a matter of seconds: this is timeliness.  Relevance is another key factor in social media branding because if the idea an individual is promoting is already being promoted by another group, the information would not be relevant.  The information would not be new.  When using social media, items are posted in a timely manner; this is also known as relevance because each post is new information about the brand that is trying to be promoted by social media.  If an individual or companies and relevance, people will become less engaged in their brand because it will allow them to forget or not trust the information being given out.

One example of a social media service that would allow an individual to brand an idea or campaign well is Instagram.  One example of a brand idea would be an individual who encourages traveling.  This individual could create a Instagram account about the different places the individual has traveled.  The account would follow other accounts of people the individual knows and of course, other world traveling accounts.  This would create a good base of individuals who are interested in the brand the account is promoting.  Another detail to consider is creating a catchy hash tag (similar to a slogan), which would intrigue followers; this would help make the brand more distinct too.  There have been various ideas and companies that have branded their products well by using Instagram.  You can check them out by clicking on this link:!

Instagram is not the only form of social media that has used brands for marketing tools.  Other popular forms of social media such as Facebook and Twitter have used branding for marketing purposes.  The shoe brand, TOMS, has used Twitter to spread awareness of their product.  They created their brand as a company who every time you purchase a pair of shoes from them, they donate a pair of shoes to children in various countries. 

Personally, I have used Facebook to promote a brand as well.  The brand I have been promoting includes Garnos Ranch Hunts and The Garnos Getaway.  The connection between these two companies is that they are both privately owned businesses owned by my family... specifically my father.  I have promoted Garnos Ranch Hunts as a hunting outfitter.  Check this page out here:  About a month ago, I created The Garnos Getaway page to create a brand for my family's townhouse out in the Black Hills.  Check out my other page by clicking the following:  

Though these pages are just the starts of building a brand for my family's small business, I believe what I have learned from my social media and marketing class that I can continue to work on promoting this brand.  
If you want to check out some successful companies who have used social media platforms to promote their unique brand, here is a good link:

Pictured above is the logo I created for Garnos Ranch Hunts!

My Millennial Perspective
Chesney Jo

Friday, July 8, 2016



Growing up as a millennial is tough.  Why is it tough?  The list could go on and on.  Social media tells women we need to look a certain way, we depict that all males are “douche bags” because that is what we see on Twitter.  We think that all girls who are pretty, wear makeup, and dress up are “hoes”.  How many likes you get on a picture you post on Instagram or Facebook defines how popular a person is. Don’t get me wrong, there are many positive uses of social media.  Just like anything, there are pros and cons.  BUT… why does it seem like our society is getting worse and worse.  We are truly so caught up with the world and ourselves; it seems that is all we care about.  I truly believe there is only one answer to why this has happened… as a society we have drifted further and further from God and His word.  I am first to admit that I am sinner and have done things in my life I am not proud of.  I will also admit that I have allowed social media (a worldly thing) influence how I thought I should  “look” or even that I wasn’t good enough.  I allowed worldly ways to consume my thoughts.  Our world is filled with darkness and sin; we are constantly being manipulated by the devil.  Do NOT let the world define who you are because it doesn’t.  Your relationship with God defines who you are.  The important thing is to truly try to live by His word.  The reason why I underlined this part is because it took me a while to understand this.  I am forever grateful that GOD brought me to this truth.  For my situation, the devil used social media to target areas of my life that would get me to lean away from God’s word.  I am sure I am not the only one out there who has gone or is going through this struggle.  The truth and reality of it is you WILL NOT fit into society if you are trying to live your life according to God’s word.  Yes, it is hard and personally, I have struggled.  Committing your life to live according to God’s word will not be easy, but it IS PROMISING.  It is true love.  It is your futures only hope.   

We live in a society where waking up each morning it is normal to see a mass shooting take place in Orlando, a suicide bomb in a train station, a terrorists attack in the Middle East.  I honestly expect to see this stuff on a DAILY BASIS.  The past 48 to 72 hours have just left me sick.  So more than anything, during this time we see suffering all around us… pray.  Simply indulge in the Word.  Pray again.  Pray for understanding.  Pray for the Words and Truths to be exposed.  Just open yourself up to God and His word.  Lean not on your own understanding.  Trust God and have Faith in what He is doing because He knows the plans for this place we call Earth. 

These things have been weighing heavy on my heart this entire summer.  I have been so utterly humbled and not a day goes by where I am not grateful.  Despite the different personal battles you face, you do not have to allow the TUG-A-WAR battle between the sin of the world and God to tear you apart.  Do your best to live day in and day out on God’s side of the battle.

Chesney Jo

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Pros and Cons of Social Media

The society we live in today largely revolves around social media.  As a "typical" millennial, I often find myself using different social media apps on a daily basis.  Many of the social media apps I used are pictured to the left.  My favorites include Instagram and Pinterest.  One of the most recent social media sites I just started to use because of this class is LinkedIn.  With all of these various forms of social media come different pros and cons.

I believe there are five positive factors that individuals can gain by using social media.  First, is it easy to keep in contact with someone.  Second, using social media allows instant reactions and messages within seconds; this allows quick communication and information to be spread faster.  The third benefit social media provides is making connections that you would not be able to make connections with.  Making these connections can help provide future job opportunities, internships, and even scholarships.  The fourth benefit of social media is something I was taught in MCOM 241... which is branding yourself.  By branding yourself on social media, you can instantly share what you are good at and what you are interested in.  The fifth benefit is being able to access information quickly.

Along with the different pros of social media, there are also cons.  The first con having social media is that if you post something that is inappropriate or when you are upset, it can cause controversy and give you a bad reputation online.  Second is the issue of cyber-bullying; this can be an issue from kids posting mean comments on an Instagram picture to someone making death threats over messenger.  The third issue with social media is that when it is over-used, it can be a distractions... especially for students who might put off studying or homework because they are busy scrolling through different news-feeds or chatting on various forms of social media.  The next issue I believe social media can cause is for individuals to feel insecure about themselves.  I have witnessed young girls comparing themselves to celebrities and size 0 models due to the large access to these famous individuals' social media accounts.  Some articles and studies I read talk about how social media has impacted eating and body image disorders.  The fifth issue I see that social media causes is the need for "more, more, more".  This can simply be explained in the overused phrase "keeping up with the Jones's".  Social media can allow people to brag about the newest shoes they just purchased or a new video game.  This impacts other people because it makes them want these items as well.

Personally, I think it is important to understand not only the positive factors social media has on my life... but also the negative factors as well.  Here are a few links that give relative information about some of the different pros and cons I previously discussed and even some brand new ideas!

Article Topics with Links:
Pros/Cons Social Media

Students and Social Media

Social Media and Eating Disorders

Hope you enjoyed my blog and the various reads! :)

Words from
Chesney Jo

Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Millennial Blog

My name is Chesney Garnos.  Currently, I am going to be a junior at the University of South Dakota. I am a political science major with a minor in social media and marketing. Living life as a millennial can be very complex at times. Growing up in a small town in South Dakota, I was fortunate to be raised by parents who taught me the value of hard work, respect, keeping strong connections, and other values.  Each millennial story is different... but one thing many of us millennials have in common here in the United States is growing up with different forms of media such as television or social media.  I have always been interested in many things in my life including music, fitness, reading, faith, and politics. All of these areas that have been of interest of me can all relate through forms of media.  Media, especially social media plays a large role in many of our daily lives today.  I think that it is important to understand how we are affected by the media around us.

Two of my main passions in life include helping others and traveling.  I believe it is important to help people out because growing up, people in my community were always willing to give me a helping hand.  This was a characteristic I valued, so it is something I try to practice on a daily basis.  Whether it is a simple gesture such as holding the door open for someone, or assisting someone with a project, I am always willing to help out.  My other main passion in life is traveling.  I have been very fortunate to have traveled various places in the United States and outside of the States as well.  Some of my favorite places include the Bahamas, Switzerland, Colorado, and Arizona.  The reason why I enjoy traveling so much is that each area is different, which allows an individual to learn new things and take in new places.  I think traveling also makes you appreciate the area you grew up in as well.  Though I may not always live in South Dakota, I will always respect South Dakota.  It will always be home.

My current aspiration in life right now is to make a positive impact on the people around me and living life according to God's word.  Some of the ways I am trying to make a difference is be a fitness/health motivator to teenage girls up to college women.  I have been doing weekly reminders over text message on ways to motivate yourself to workout and to fuel your body with proper nutrition.  I am trying to live my life according to God's word in everything I do.  Whether it is homework, research, the internship I am doing, or how I treat people, I am trying to keep this as my main focus.  I look forward to seeing where the journey of life and adventure takes me!

Here is one of my favorite blog posts I have come across while scrolling through Facebook:
This blog is just a daily reminder filled with Bible verses that helped me realize I wanted to help girls/young women out who struggle with body image.

I hope you enjoyed! :)

Words from Chesney Jo