Friday, August 5, 2016

Politics & Media

The use of Social Media in campaigns is a necessary campaign strategy in 2016. We use social media so much in our day to lives and it has become such a huge part of everything you do that there is no way around it. Using social media is a great way to display your platforms and it's an easy accessible way to reach all types of people.  Social media has not only taken over our day to day lives as citizens, but it has become a necessary for presidential nominees. 

Both candidates have used social media in different ways. Hillary Clinton has posed with a bunch of celebrities. I think it's her way of trying to be relatable with everyone. If somebody likes a
celebrity and that celebrity poses with Hilary, or endorses her, then that might make somebody like Hillary. 

Trump has used social media to say provocative things and cause the media to stay focused. I think that is one of Trumps campaign strategies is to start controversy. He will engage in Twitter wars which in return causes media coverage and people talking about him. Not usually for good reasons but it does cause attention. I don't know if that is his intention or if that is why he does that but it does cause a lot of coverage. It works to get his name out but I'm not sure it works for his general approval of the public. 

Social media is a crucial way to get your message across to voters. Especially young people who might not tune into the news. A candidate must have a presence on social media if they want to be successful. How it will effect this election is still to be determined.

Here is an article about how Trump has become known as the king of social media:!

This article predicts what has become of Trump's success in the 2016 presidential election:

Words from Chesney Jo

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